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Nourishing Your Herd

Feeding Goats Properly: Understand the Terms

Full Feed:

Full feed refers to a feed that contains all of the proper levels of protein, energy, minerals, and vitamins. It will have been formulated by a nutritionist and will take into account the area that the animal is living in and what the animal is being raised for. It will come in bags or bulk bags.

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Long fiber includes forages such as hay or pasture, providing goats with essential roughage. Long fiber is essential for maintaining digestive health and preventing issues like bloat.

Long Fiber:

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Pelleted Feed:

Pelleted feed is a concentrated form of nutrition, where ingredients are compressed into small pellets. This type of feed offers a convenient way to deliver specific nutrients.

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Textured Feed: 

Textured feed is usually horse feed and has a molasses base. It most likely has corn in it.

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Free-choice feeding involves providing goats with continuous access to feed, allowing them to eat at their own pace. This is commonly applied to forages and mineral supplements.

Free- Choice Feeding: 

– Creep feeding can have different meanings in different areas. – Creep feeding can mean a feeding strategy designed to provide supplemental nutrition to young, growing goats. It involves restricting access to a specific area where only kids can access the feed. Or... – Creep feeding can mean feeding sacked feed, either free choice OR with restricted access.

Creep Feeding:

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Supplements are additional nutrients provided to goats to address specific deficiencies or enhance overall health. These can include minerals, vitamins, and protein supplements.

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Limiters are substances added to feeds to control intake, preventing overconsumption. Examples include salt or bitter compounds.


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 Hi Pro Feed Sheep and Goat Block offers a 20% protein-free choice to a goat. It has very little minerals in it which makes it ideal for a goat because it is soft for them to lick. Goats have very soft tongues and will not be able to chew or lick enough off of a very hard block. Minerals are what make a block hard.                                                                                                                

Protein Tubs

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Implementing proper feeding practices is fundamental to ensuring the health and productivity of your goat herd.