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A Life of Heritage Contact Info

We are located in the heart of Central Montana, in the picturesque town of Lewistown. Please feel free to use our contact info to get in touch. We would love to answer any questions you may have.

Lewistown, MT Contact info Lewistown MT Contact info

You can email Delci directly at: delci @

Or you can email Bill directly at: acts4.13 @ 


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There are also many other great places to check out when you are in town!

Chokecherry Festival

The Chokecherry, a small, maroon-colored fruit with a puckery taste grows wild in Montana. The plants begin to bloom in June and the fruit ripens in August. The reddish fruits are used in making syrups, jams, jellies, wines, and many other culinary treats. We hope you join us – take a walk down our historic Main Street and experience the hospitality of the area. Don’t leave until you’ve tried all of the food, enjoyed the entertainment, bought all you can carry, and competed in the pit spitting contest. Bring a friend and enjoy central Montana at its finest.


Join us for a spectacular evening as we travel through the mountains and prairies of central Montana. Experience the beauty of the rolling hills, vast ranchlands, and breathtaking sunsets of Big Sky Country. Wildlife abounds on this scenic 56-mile round trip journey, with a plentiful supply of antelope, eagles, deer, hawks, and coyotes. Be sure to watch out for the masked bandits – rumor has it hold-ups can occur when you least expect them!!

MT Cowboy Poetry Gathering

The mission of the Montana Cowboy Poetry Gathering is:  “…to preserve and celebrate the history, heritage, and values of the American cowboy in the upper Rocky Mountain west.”

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Amanda Grayson

Friday 1st of November 2024

Hello! We purchased your goat binder a few years ago and love it! I have been struggling with barber pole worms in our herd ever summer and have heard about using garlic for treatment and prevention. I have gotten mixed information on it though. Is garlic safe? (I am trying to be more natural in our treatments and really trying to be more conscientious about trying to use preventative measures throughout the year, not just when they get sick.

Thank you, Amanda

Delci Plouffe

Thursday 2nd of January 2025

Garlic is safe for goats. And can be a good preventative measure. The best thing you can do for your herd, although it's hard... is to only select and breed the goats that are the very hardiest against the Barber pole worm. If you have a goat that is always sick and down from them, it's probably time to sell the goat or at the very least, not breed it. If your goats have an active case of barber pole worm, you're going to have to go with the chemical anthelmintics to get rid of them. I support herbal treatments and prevention until there is an active, detrimental case of worms. At that point, you have to hit them hard and get rid of them as quickly as possible.

Jimmie T Bass

Thursday 12th of September 2024

I ordered the 75.00 bundle and I can't find where to see the bonus material. Please help!

Delci Plouffe

Thursday 2nd of January 2025

I will be sending you an email! I'm so sorry that I missed seeing this.

Terry Woods

Wednesday 7th of August 2024

Delci, I’m trying to locate a booklet you put out on doing Fecals on goats. Would you let me know how to purchase this? Thanks so much. Terry Woods

Delci Plouffe

Thursday 2nd of January 2025

So sorry for the delay in getting back to you. The best way to purchase the Parasite Treatment and Control Plan is to go to this link and search through which option is the best for you:

Mark James

Sunday 11th of June 2023

Hi, new to raising goats. We are getting 2 Nigerian Dwarf goats. Are your books related to them too,or should I look elsewhere? Like your thoughts on goats in General,and would love to purchase your books,If they are the same (goats). If not could you recommend which ones I would benefit from? Starting with 2, but would like to get into making some money off them if not through breeding or milk. Thank you very much!! Mark

Delci Plouffe

Wednesday 29th of November 2023

My Goat Binder and My Parasite Binder and any other trainings or books pertain to any breed or size of goat.


Friday 9th of June 2023

I ordered your goat binder. Can't wait to get it. I would like to order one for someone else as a gift. How would I do that? Want to use their email so they would get all the extras. But would like the invoice sent to me. Is this possible the way the system is set up? Thank you!

Delci Plouffe

Wednesday 29th of November 2023

I'm so glad that you're enjoying the books! I think we got this figured out long ago, but it's definitely possible! Just change the billing address to yours and the ship to address to them.