5 best steps for weed control when your garden is full of weeds. Gardening is hard work, so help yourself take back control, it’s not too late. Find more gardening tips here. Finally. The last seed was safely covered in moist dark soil. It made all the work seem worth it, even with the help …
Mulching just may be the saving grace of the gardening year. Find out mulching options, what it does for the soil, and the best techniques. Find more gardening tips here! (Spring and fall mulching information are towards the end. 🙂 ) *We get commissions for purchases made through links in this post. As an …
Garden watering is the most important aspect of your productive year of produce. Learn how to know when to water your garden, the signs of overwatering, and 6 tips for successful watering. Find more gardening tips here! I yawned and twisted the spicket to turn off the water that had been spraying on the garden …
I always chased after snake tales, caught them and held them up to eye level and then watched them slither away. It truly is remarkable how a snake moves. There are things that amaze me—and how a snake slithers on a rock is one of them. I can remember specifically one time as a teenager, …
I have a thing for snakes. I’m not scared of them and when I see one I run to step on its tail to pick it up and talk to him. I love to roll over a bale and count how many garter snakes I’ll find. And I find them in my garden quite often. …
The weather is still cool. The wind still bites. The air may even still threaten snow and you haven’t passed your last frost date. But you’re just itching to get outside and get your hands in the dirt! But you are wondering more than anything else what vegetables to plant in early spring! The winter’s …