Owning horses and feeding them for a year is no small feat. It requires a lot of diligence to know how much hay to feed, where to find the best hay for the best price, haul it all home, and put it all in a stack that will not spoil until it’s used. That’s a lot of money, time, and effort!
Use the tools below to find out how much you should be feeding your horse each day and how many ton you will need in a year and how much it will cost you.
You can then use the Horse Cost Calculator to budget all of your expenses.
So let’s find out what it will cost you to feed your horse for the year.
- If you don’t know the weight of your horse: find a scale like you would find at a feed elevator and weigh your truck, trailer and horse. Take your horse home and go back and weigh your truck and trailer. The difference is how much your horse weighs. Or your vet or a feed store consultant could help you.
- Calculate the weight in roughage a day your horse should be fed. Fill in how much your horse weighs in the first box:
If the above doesn’t show, please download the Calculate Hay Fed per day per horse worksheet.
- Be aware that overfeeding your horse doesn’t make sense for several reasons: It’s a waste of hay, money and there are dangers of and for an overweight horse.’
- Using the Hay Cost Calculator below, calculate how much hay you will need and how much it will cost per year and per month in the formula below. Fill in the boxes with squares around them with the information needed to find your answers.
If the above doesn’t show, please download the Cost and amount of hay per year formula
Phew! Horses can cost a lot, can’t they? But when you are able to get a handle on how much it can and will cost, it makes a world of difference. There is nothing worse than knowing haying season is coming quickly and no plan has been made financially to acquire the hay needed for the year.
I hope using this Hay Cost Calculator helps you in the many years to come in your horse-loving life.
You may also have wondered which is better: round bales or square bales. Weigh in on which you like: round bales versus square bales.
If you are just now looking into buying a horse for the first time, Consider These Questions When Buying a Horse
What does it cost you a month to feed your horses?
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Kathi at Oak Hill Homestead
Monday 15th of August 2016
And then you add in the farrier, and shots, and ... But I wouldn't trade her for anything!
I prefer square bales, even though people say that round bales are more economical. They are easier for me to bring home, to store, to feed. Since I also have goats, square bales just make more sense for me, even if they might not make more cents.
Monday 15th of August 2016
Completely agree about the square bales! Honestly as far as people saying round bales are economical, I'm not sure I would agree...or at least I would question it more because horses and goats will walk so much hay into the ground, which not only is a waste of hay and money, it's more labor to clean up and space to put somewhere to compost. I shared my thoughts about square and round bales here :) http://www.heritageclubstables.com/horse-loving/round-bales-verses-square-bales/