Feeding bees in the spring. What do you do with the bees you wintered? That’s a really good question and I hope to help you out with the answers.
Montana Bees
Finding a bee mentor can be the key to your success. You don’t need to know everything about bees, you just need to know someone else who knows everything.
What your hive may look like ten days after installing a bee package. The honey bee life cycle has most likely begun with eggs, larva and capped brood!
Are you ready to get started with bees but not really knowing how or where to begin? Follow these 10 helpful tips to getting started with bees!
Watch this video to get an idea on how to make pollen patties. Pollen patties are a high protein substitute that supplies lipids, minerals, and vitamins
A healthy bee, is a healthy hive. Tag along and watch as I open up my hive and treat for foulbrood and mite control. It’s an important step for beekeepers.