God’s way of giving doesn’t make sense. It just doesn’t. Give everything you have and then give more. How can it make sense to give everything?
Jesus commends a widow for giving all she had: two coins. How would she pay her bills?
Fishermen left their boats, leaving the only life they knew to follow Jesus. Would their new life have meaning?
Some are separated from loved ones because of their new love for Jesus. What could hurt worse?
Many have even given their lives, their last breath, proclaiming the name of Jesus. What did they gain?
We all come to a point where we have absolutely nothing left and we hear that voice. The one that is so easy to ignore and dismiss, to forget. “Give more.”
When you have nothing left, it is so easy to grasp at anything near. “It’s mine. It’s all I have left. If I give more, I’ll have nothing and it’s the only way.”
Those are the excuses that float around in my own head. I like to be logical, to think things through.
It should make sense, right?
Recently I was reminded…again, (how many times have I been reminded over the years?) that God’s way doesn’t make sense. He does ask for sacrifice, and when I put down my excuses and lay down what I want, what I think I need, and give it to Him, He wholeheartedly desires to give back.
He wants my heart. My mind. All of me. And when I give it, He gives back.
I had a secret stash of money set aside, hidden. I was saving up to paint the cupboards in our kitchen. Our old house has seen many years and the kitchen has been looking old and haggard. I’ve been trying to ignore the dinginess, the peeling floor, the mismatched hardware on the cupboards. But the time was coming very soon when I would be painting! Yay!
“You want me to what? Give my long and hard-earned $200 to my husband for a trailer? *Wail* Nooooo….”
Silence. Silence for a few days, actually. (I’d wager to say that it was only on my part, as I pouted.)
*Sigh* “Ok. I’ll give it to him.” I even was really OK giving it to him. It was settled and I was even a little surprised I was OK with it.
Within the next two days, as my $200 sat on his dresser, waiting to exchange hands again, Bill comes home and hands me $140. Unexpected money, at least unexpected money for us. But God knew. He knew He had it covered. He knew that His word and promises are forever ingrained in the essence of this life: “Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full–pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.” 2 Luke 6:38
This is Truth that I forget so easily, even though I have countless stories of His faithfulness throughout my years. I wonder though, how many more stories would I have if I would approach all of my life with an open-handed, open-hearted approach?
God, it’s all yours. And because of that, when I give everything, it makes sense.
My money is Yours and I know that I will lack nothing, my bills will be paid.
My job and daily endeavors are Yours, and if You call me out from that, I trust that the new life you call me into will have an eternal meaning.
Family and friends may become more scarce because of my all out passion for you, but Your hurt was far worse as you hung on the cross and I trust that Your love for me will be enough.
This life is yours, and if my life is stolen, I know I will have gained. Gained a glory that I’m not even sure I can even imagine.
Do you feel like you have nothing left? Then you are in a perfect place. A place where God can show you just how much He loves you. Turn your hands up, unclench your fists, give to God what you are holding so tightly onto and watch Him work miracles.
Read on: Your life is precious, a one time, all or nothing, free gift.
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