Does God care about my dreams? A timeless question. Lay down your rights, dreams, hopes and goals and completely trust the Lord and follow what He has.
Light Reflections
The author of light and light Himself, beckons: be light reflections
Jesus is the light of the world and in His image we were created. His light reflections should echo throughout the deepest parts of our souls and reverberate in the world around us. Some of these posts will be somewhat light but mostly hardy, hoping to inspire a deep and renewed faith for anyone reading. But especially for this writer, who needs to be reminded daily, that every action and every word, is the reflection of Jesus into her children’s lives. They will be a reflection of their mother, until they truly know the heart of the Father and then, I hope that their hearts and lives will be full of light and a reflection of the goodness and love of Jesus.
Dear future husband: For a young girl or boy, writing a letter to their future spouse can keep their focus on what is truly important in this world of dating. Find out how and why you can encourage your children or young teens you know, to start writing to their future spouse.
GO TO CHURCH. I could just leave it at that, right? Got to church. I would like to share with you WHY this is the #1 way to appreciate your pastor.
7 tips to fight back spiritually. Don’t be a chicken. Learn what it takes to be a spiritual force so you aren’t knocked down again and again.
2016 Hunger Games Election: Please, let us not be a nation who falls into only being happy and docile because our bellies are full and our minds entertained. Remind yourself of the 5 things you should do in a hunger games world.
Life gives us so many questions and many times my prayer for answers is a plea for God to speak loud and clear and with no doubt left behind. God speak and let me hear.