Dear future husband,
“I’m in the 7th grade write now & 13 years old (I know that seems pretty young) I hope that God will work through our lives, whatever we are doing and show us all the write decisions to make…
…I am going to save myself for you and not do any stupid mystakes I am going to regret later. I hope you have done the same for me. I will and am praying for you. I know you will be the perfect guy for me and I hope you will take care of our children with me and help me have them grow strong in the Lord (hey ya never know, our daughter might be the first woman president) I already love you deeply and I hope you will love me whatever stupid mystakes I make. I hope we will both go into the Kingdom of God for eternity and liver happily ever after.
Love in Christ, Your future wife, Delci “
Yup, I wrote that, almost exactly 20 years ago. It was the first of 17 total. On our wedding day, I presented them to Bill as a part of my vows.
And yes, I even folded some of them like this:
“I realize these ‘love letters’ are supposed to be just that: my love overflowing onto the page, capturing a past love that is the future…”
“Oh, how I long to see your face. I long to be in your arms as we, together, read my past that brought us to our future.”

May 10, 2008, I read the last letter I wrote to my future husband and gave Bill my box of letters during my vows
Are you single now? I encourage you to write to your future husband. As you write, it will be a reminder of why you are remaining pure: because you want to lay in the arms of your husband without guilt or shame. If you have made mistakes in the past, God has forgiven you. Start fresh, and write. And as you write, pray, write your prayers, write your desires, and fears. Fill the pages with your love.
Are you a mother of a young girl surrounded by a culture of young people who are dating and “hooking up” continually? Encourage her to start writing. It will help keep her focused on what she really desires and will also encourage her to think about what she really wants in a man. It will be a sweet and precious memory.
And now, as I think about it, oh! how swooningly sweet for a young man to start doing this as well! His future wife would melt into a puddle of gushiness if he were to give her letters he had written through the years. As our young men are surrounded by temptations beyond my imagination, they need a reminder of the reason they are remaining pure in a unpure world. This just may be a way to get their hearts thinking about what’s really important and it would open up a door for you, mama, to talk about the very important issues of dating, love, and sex.
There may be a young girl you know, you may mentor or have an influence in her life, whom you could encourage to do this. This world is full of…stuff…and many young girls need help navigating through the tough issues of dating and all things boys.
Did you write or know of anyone who has written love letters to their future husband or wife? I’d love to hear the stories.
Are you in God’s will? Would you know if you were living in God’s will for your life? And what do you think: does God care about your dreams?
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