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How to Sell Chicken Feathers (+Ideas to Make Jewelry!)

Chicken feathers usually abound in the chicken coop and yard and wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to DO something with them and even bring in a little extra cash each week? Find out how to clean the feathers properly and then what you could make with those feathers to sell!

Chicken Feathers

At some points in the year, I wander around our chicken yard and find piles of feathers and wonder if there was a chicken massacre. But *usually* there hasn’t been. Every once in a while we’ve had a visit from an unknown assailant. Molting does its number on the feathers and they fly around everywhere!

Can something be done with these feathers blowing in the wind? Cluttering up the corners of the chicken house and adorning the bottom of the favorite rooster who met his demise?

A wonderful trend is to collect these feathers and sell them! There is a lot of work into collecting and cleaning the feathers, but what a great job to fill an hour of free time! And also a great job for young children!

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Many people also create awesome and unique jewelry, ornaments, and decorations using their chicken feathers.

Let’s take a look at how it’s done!

After the feathers have been collected or plucked they need to be cleaned.


You can find a lot of articles here on A Life of Heritage that will teach you a lot about poultry and be sure to check out Chicken Rich: Profitable Poultry Bundle–It’s FULL of to-do lists, checklists, record keeping sheets, and resource pages that will keep your flock healthy and YOU organized!

How to Sanitize, Clean, and Preserve Feathers Properly

  • Mite and Lice Removal. Using a handful of mothballs and place the feathers and the mothballs in an airtight container.  Keep the feathers and mothballs in the container together for 24 hours. Please use care when using and storing mothballs. They are highly dangerous to humans and animals. Use a product like this with paradichlorobenzene: Moth Balls
  • Kill Bacteria. It’s important to be on the safe side and kill any bacteria that may be residing in the feathers. Soak the feathers for half an hour to an hour in a mixture of 1/2 Isopropyl alcohol and 1/2 hydrogen peroxide. Don’t use bleach, this will cause the feathers to become brittle and will diminish the color. Hydrogen peroxide will brighten the feathers without making them brittle!
  • Wash Feathers. Wash the feathers with mild hand soap. Remove stains, gunk, and debris. This will also remove any remaining chemicals and oil on the feathers.
  • Lay Out to Dry. Lay them out flat, not piled up, in a warm, sunny location to dry. Dry them as quickly as possible to stop any mold from developing.
  • Fluff and Store. The feathers should be stored in an airtight container, like a ziplock bag until they are used.

Black Chicken Feather and how to profit selling feathers

Where Can Feathers Be Sold?

There seems to be a market for everything and the key is finding that specific market. Many people sell their feathers and decorations made with the feathers through or at these different sources:

  1. eBay
  2. Craigslist
  3. Local Craft Shops
  4. Fly Shops
  5. Craft Shows
  6. Etsy
  7. Facebook Groups
  8. Word of mouth
  9. Farmer’s Markets

What Can Be Made (and sold) With Chicken Feathers?

The ideas and creativity of what can be made with chicken feathers are endless and only a lack of imagination could hinder a project like this!

  • Dreamcatchers
  • Pillows
  • Ornaments
  • Feather Wreaths
  • Indian Feather Crafts
  • Jewelry
  • Home Decor

Be sure to check out Chicken Rich: Profitable Poultry Bundle–It’s FULL of to-do lists, checklists, record keeping sheets, and resource pages that will keep your flock healthy and YOU organized!

Ideas and How to Make Dreamcatchers

Dreamcatcher with Feathers and Christmas Lights

35 Dream Catcher Ideas

Dreamcatcher Orb

Ideas and How to Make Feather Ornaments

White Feather Sparkles Ornament

Glass Bulb Feather Ornament

Christmas Feather Ornament

Orb Christmas Ornaments

Ideas and How to Make Feather Wreaths

Beautiful Feather Wreath

Table Center Wreath

Autumn Wreath

Pinecone, Evergreen, and Feathers Wreath

Find TONS More Wreath Ideas Here

Ideas and How to Make Feather Jewelry

Feather Cascading Headband

How to Make Feather Earrings 

Feather Pin

Butterfly Hair Clip

Feather Hair Comb

Guinea Feather Earrings

Ideas and How to Make Feather Home Decor

Framed Feathers

Handing Glass Feather Frame

Feather Mirror

Wall Feather Bouquet

There are endless possibilities for the feathers floating around your chicken coop! Now, in your “spare time”, you can turn them into beautiful arrangements, adornments, and art!

Chickens feathers…who knew they could spawn such beauty and creativity even after they’ve flown the coop!

You can even raise hens and sell them to earn a little cash as well! You can find out all about it here: Laying Hens

be sure to check out Chicken Rich: Profitable Poultry Bundle–It’s FULL of to-do lists, checklists, record keeping sheets, and resource pages that will keep your flock healthy and YOU organized

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Geoffrey Hosea

Wednesday 2nd of December 2020

Is this available to african countrys?


Sunday 30th of August 2020

woow how can I sell them in South Africa


Monday 13th of April 2020

Thank you for this page. You have given hope and great ideas to a grateful woman who is home bound due to illness. ☺️🙏🏼👍

Delci Plouffe

Monday 13th of April 2020

I'm so glad it was inspiring! Good luck!