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Homemade Milk Filters Using a Bed Skirt

Homemade milk filters for the “just in case”. You may run out at an inconvenient moment and would also be ready if there ever were a shortage of filters. This is one post of many in our Raising Goat series. 

There are a few things that come to mind that I would long for, nay, beg and plead for if our world fell apart as we know it. If for whatever reason, grocery stores closed down and these things could not be found…well…life would be quite uncomfortable!

You can find a lot of articles here on A Life of Heritage that will teach you about goat care and be sure to check out The Goat Health, and Information Bundle–it’s full of to-do lists, checklists, record keeping sheets, and resource pages that will get your new (or old) goat herd off to a terrific start!

Goat Essential ↓

Reusable Sanitary Pads or the Menstrual Cup are at the top of the list. (Sorry guys) But I shudder at the thought of how the world would come crashing to its utter end without these very necessary items.

And oh, toilet paper, how I would mourn you. Reusable and washable wipes would have to do.

In truth, on an awfully cold Montana winter day, my fingers would be screaming for warm, working gloves.

And while most people will be pining for coffee, I’ll be dreaming of fine, melt in your mouth chocolate.



Oh, and I do believe there would be all the small things that would come up in the everyday stuff of life.

And I concede. I sometimes feel a bit crazy.

Do you ever feel that way? Well…regardless of your answer or reason for your answer…I hope I’m in good company. 😉

There are days when I wonder when enough is enough, you know? There is the never-ending battle of saving the planet one grocery bag, cloth diaper, and plastic container at a time. When does it stop?

I finally had to convince myself to start throwing away our tin cans. The recycle place went out of business in our area, so we no longer have an outlet for recycling our metals. So after I had a huge pile, I finally gave in and threw it all away. I’m sorry planet, I tried.

Speaking of recycling, we had a bed skirt that was ripped and taken off the bed but had such beautiful looking silk, I just couldn’t throw it away. (Are you seeing a pattern here? 😉 )

I did my part…you know, for the planet…and reused it. I’ve been using the white, lighter silk for homemade, reusable cheesecloth. And the creamy, thicker portion of the bed skirt is now used as a milk filter. Filters would at some point become a needed item if life took a drastic turn.

On a daily basis, I do use these milk filters and cut them into fourths. Bought locally they are about .02 cents a use. But if anything ever happened…I would have these: 🙂

Milking goats | Homemade milk filters | Goat Care | Homemade milk filters for the "just in case". You may run out at an inconvenient moment and would also be ready if there ever were a shortage of filters


These homemade milk filters definitely are a tight weave and do strain a bit slower than the ones I buy.



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Milking goats | Homemade milk filters | Goat Care | Homemade milk filters for the "just in case". You may run out at an inconvenient moment and would also be ready if there ever were a shortage of filters

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Amy West

Thursday 14th of December 2023

Maybe you could do a home metal melting/molding project. I saw several videos on melting metals. Maybe someone in your area does that already.