Your wife begged. Pleaded. Batted those glistening eyes you fell in love with.
“Bees, honey…” (that would be you sweetheart!)…”The world needs bees! Think about how much my flowers and garden would benefit! And the honey! We would have all the honey we would need! It would be fun! It would complete our little farm!”
I mean, how could you resist, right?
Your wife begged. Pleaded. Batted those glistening eyes you fell in love with.
“Bees, honey…” (that would be you sweetheart!)…”The world needs bees! Think about how much my flowers and garden would benefit! And the honey! We would have all the honey we would need! It would be fun! It would complete our little farm!”
I mean, how could you resist, right?
After saying yes, you may have realized that these are the 7 things you wish you had known before owning bees. You may want to warn all the other husbands out there about the consequences of those sweet, honey-laced pleadings.
NUMBER ONE At some point, you will be coerced into donning a bee suit. This includes that hat that makes your eyes bug out from the crisscrossed veil. Your wife just can’t help but show you at some point the wonderful world of bees and your neighbors will be wondering what end of the world scenario you are preparing for.
NUMBER TWO You will inevitably be involved in moving the beehive boxes at some point. They get heavy! This is a great opportunity to show off those man muscles to your honey-loving wife.
NUMBER THREE A corner of your house will be taken over: bee boxes being built, frames being fixed, bee suits, veils and gloves, a smoker, the hive box with tools, queen excluders. You know, necessary bee supplies.
NUMBER FOUR Your wife will fall in love with bees and you will feel a twinge of jealousy as she talks about drones, you will only feel slightly better when you learn that those males will not live long. And she will talk on and on about her queen and worker bees as if they are lifelong friends.
NUMBER FIVE Your wife will spend time with other beekeepers as they help her learn the trade. Again, that twinge, but what a social life she has! 30,000+ bees all in one place. Which other wives of your friends get an audience like that?
NUMBER SIX You will also realize that this hobby is more expensive than your wife may have first let on. But give her the benefit of the doubt, because she probably didn’t realize it would turn out that way either.
NUMBER SEVER And you will realize it was all worth it when you are smearing honey on a fresh-baked piece of bread this fall.
See? That’s all not so bad, is it? You have honey on your bread, in your treats, in your soothing and healing drinks and you are providing all the flowers, gardens, lilacs, Caragana bushes, trees, and our world with the necessary and important bee.
That really should make you stop and puff up that burly chest of yours. Now go and kiss those lips that are sucking every last drop of honey off the bread knife. She deserves it. And so do you, for spoiling your wife with a hive of bees.
Follow more of my bee journey: Montana Bees
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Brett Thackeray
Thursday 15th of September 2016
Well stated, Delci, well stated!
Friday 16th of September 2016
Bees are addicting, aren't they? :)