Are you in God’s will? Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.
Ever Learning
During the storm of life, how do you respond and how is your relationship with your Heavenly Father affected? Stand firm between the sheltering arms of God
The one time all or nothing free gift: your life. In the hands of the Father, he is able to work immeasurably more than you ever thought possible.
God’s way of giving doesn’t make sense: give everything you have and then give more. But when we give to Him everything we have, He works miracles.
Have you ever read passages in the Bible and said, “What in the Bible does that mean?” There are Bible verses we all wish were clarified more
Did Adam and Eve fight? Despite troubles and struggles in life, we can still turn to God and know that He redeems every part of our life.